Here is the complete book - THE GREAT CONTROVERSY - word for word, chapter by chapter. Just click one of the Chapter links below to watch it.
To fully experience God's inspiration, watch every chapter in order!
This project has been very humbling for all who worked on it. We have been blessed beyond words. Our constant prayer is for its success. And we know it will succeed and bless the world by the power of God's Spirit, which works in all of Jesus' followers.
Blessings Anew is the name of the collection of videos which deliver a full visual experience fused with a dramatic reading of God's inspired words. The main focus is for the book, THE GREAT CONTROVERSY, which has been faithfully communicated word-for-word. You will find the links, numbered for each chapter, below. These videos are not Audio Books. They are full visual renditions of the entire book.
Our goal is to support the global effort of Christ's Church to advance the Gospel. This webpage - Blessings Anew - is intended to do just that. Join the 352,088 viewers of THE GREAT CONTROVERSY in September 2023. Join the more than 100,000 people who subscribebed in that same month. Join the 500,000 subscribers in November 2023! Join us to celebrate over 1 Million subscribers on December 1, 2023, and 2 Million on May 7, 2024!! Rejoice in the 3 Milion subscribers on November 1, 2024!!!
Blessings Anew has information you need. If you are familiar with THE GREAT CONTROVERSY, you will be blessed ANEW by the inspiring images and the professional vocal in these engaging videos. If not, you will be blessed ANEW as you meet Jesus, alive and gracious, with His wounded hands beckoning.
We invite all to participate in sharing this webpage with the world. Help get the word out. Request the special SHARING CARDS in the Comments section and start distributing them to every person you meet. You will find that each open hand shall be blessed, but not only the recipient, but also the giver shall be blessed. Do not ignore this opportunity to experience and share the Sacred Word come alive.
May the hunger be satisfied. May the thirst be quenched. May there be for all Blessings Anew from the words of CHRIST!
This USB card contains all 45 sections of the THE GREAT CONTROVERSY video series. This is NOT an audiobook. It is a full dramatic video of THE GREAT CONTROVERSY. Watch the entire book word-for-word. The PREFACE, INTRODUCTION, 42 Chapters, and the BENEDICTION are included.
This card contains all of the original MP4 files. If the Internet is not available, you can still watch these! In times of Trouble, you need this easily portable resource in your hand.
The USB Card now also contains the entire video series for STEPS TO CHRIST.
Our mission is EVANGELISM.
We are the LOUD CRY.
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STEPS TO CHRIST is now available to watch. Just scan the QR code, go to bottom of the webpage, and click the big red button.
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