MICHAEL: The images and video clips are great. The dramatic voice is super!
KWAME: Listening to the voice of the reader makes this book come alive. The images and videos are superb and helps to reinforce the authenticity of the spoken word. I plan to, and would encourage everyone to share the blessings the book offers.
LINDA: Truly blessed by these videos. Slow down and listen; it's important. I've seen many renditions of THE GREAT CONTROVERY. Some require a monthly fee to watch. These are better and they're free!
NATE: If you can watch these videos without shedding tears, you are not human. BRAVO!
TOMMY: WOW, Impressive work!!!!
AARON: The website looks great. It's so easy to navigate.
CLAIRE: Thank you so much for sharing this website!!
LILLIAN: This website is awesome!! Congratulations!! I am thankful to have it. I never read THE GREAT CONTROVERSY. Looking forward to it!
GAIL: I like the website
SYLVIA: ‘Oh solemn thought and can it be The hour of judgement now is come.’ This classic prophetic book has reminded, revived and renewed my faith. The rich and clear tone of the reader and the brilliant images of the producer were unmistakably under the guiding hand of God. Masterfully rendered.
BERNADETTE: This reading of the Great Controversy is so beautiful not only the audio but the video which captivated my attention and caused me to listen more intently to the message. Thanks for sharing your God given skills with us that helped to draw us closer to God. Will share this website with others.
PAMELA: Beautifully done, this was my first time experiencing the Great Controversy, and what an experience that has been imprinted upon my heart. Thanks to everyone who participated in the making of this great video series. May our Father continue to bless the work that you do to reach the masses, because this must be shared, and I plan to do my part in getting the word out, as we continue to do our part in the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
PASTOR WALTER: That is awesome I think the time is perfect with this year having the Great Controversy as its theme. I know that the Lord is going to use this website and your efforts to change lives and fill His kingdom. This is the least we can do to give back to Him who has given so much and continues to give so much to us. Thank you for letting me know about this website. I will share it with as many as I can.
ORA: The Great Controversy! Wow!! I’ve never heard it presented in such a captivating way as this. The calmness of the Music, the melodious voice of the Reader plus the Visuals are absolutely spellbinding! The Holy Spirit at work. Praise GOD!
PASTOR JASON: A couple months ago I was traveling very early in the wee hours of the morning. It was a long trip and I wanted to focus on a chapter in Great controversy that I read earlier in the morning. To my surprise it wasn't available. I called Bro. Nanton immediately for the link to the reading. I was disappointed when I heard that that particular chapter was not available as yet. We today are overjoyed that all the chapters are available now. I Praise God that I have found more tools to use in my ministry for the blessings of others. Great work men of God!!!
LAURIE: Thank You so much this is such a blessing in so many different ways! I am so excited to use it as an evangelism tool. I do believe in the time of the end we are living in, many fearful hearts searching for answers will find Biblical truth. This is going to do a mighty work! Without a doubt, I do believe God will bless every hour that has been put in to make this blessing available to many seeking hearts.
MICHELLE: Nothing happens before its time and now is the time. This has been the best production of the Great Controversy that I have ever seen. I have been blessed and everyone that I have shared it with are also blessed. The quote that comes to mind is "God calls for message-filled books, magazines, and tracts to be scattered everywhere like the leaves of autumn. As church members unite with literature evangelists in spreading the good news, the task will be accomplished. " PM 5.2. I believe God has given us the opportunity to use this wonderful tool to accomplish this at such a time as this. There are homes we will never get the opportunity to enter physically or be able to give the physical book to someone but now we can through these recordings. I thank you for being willing to make the many sacrifices you and your families did in seeing this project through to the end. I am sure there were many hick-ups along the way some probably were discouraging but you didn't give up and God saw you through to the end and you used your God given talents to His glory and now all of us are being blessed. It is only when we get to heaven that we will truly see just how many souls were encouraged, whose faith increased, who resolved within themselves not to lose hope, not to give up, made a more determined effort to remain faithful and were blessed through this project. May God continue to bless, guide and keep you and your families safe in His loving arms, remaining faithful to the end come what may and continue to use your God given talents all to His glory. Again, thank you. To God be the glory great things He has done, is doing and will continue to do as He touches the many lives that will be led to this site. Blessings
JOSE: I've been recommending the book The Great Controversy for decades. Never got much response except "It's too long." and "It doesn't hold my attention." Now it's come alive! People are thanking me for recommending it.
LINDSAY: Is it possible to give us information about the logistics and progress of "The Great Controversy" project?
RESPONSE: We do not have information about other projects, but this BLESSINGS ANEW webpage has gotten over 139,000 views in the first few weeks after it was set up.
UPDATE 10/01/23: We now have over 500,000!
UPDATE 10/29/23: We now have over a million subscribers!!
LYNDON: Well done! I am blessed by listening! May God use this great resourse to enlarge His kingdom!
MONA: The world needs this
LILY: I love it! This is great!! What wonderful work has been done of God!!
VICTORIA: Thank you so much for this website
PASTOR DAVID: Grace and peace to you in Jesus' name. Our church mission is soul winning ‚ "He that winneth souls is wise." Thank God for this website to help win souls.
ELLA: Thanks
PASTOR WALTER: I'm a SDA Pastor in South Africa. Please send me some of the plastic SHARING cards immediately. I will distribute them like autumn leaves. What a wonderful climax to this year - the year of The Great Controversy!
KWAME: Got the Sharing Cards you sent. They look fantastic!
JOSEPH: This website is like a fountain from which all people need to drink. Share it with everyone! Ask for your SHARING cards. Declare it to the world! Put the cards in every book, every handout, and every hand. Blessings Anew in CHRIST!!
DAVID: The SHARING cards were a nice surprise in the mail today. I like the cards. I will be sure to get these out in the next month.
ROSE: Praise the Lord! Thank you for the package. My daughter displayed the cards, which she especially liked, on the counter of their computer repair shop. As we sow beside all waters, God supplies the harvest! Amen. I will also share the cards with our Church. Blessings!
BILL: Got the cards!
MICHELLE: The SHARING cards arrived today. I will let you know when I need more.
AARON: Send me the cards and I will share them.
VESTA: I have the cards. Thank You!
SHARING CARDS RESPONSE: My church is hoping to give SHARING cards at their health convocation coming up soon. Also a few of the sisters want them for their personal evangelistic efforts. About a month ago God told me it's now time, and that's when I started to share THE GREAT CONTROVERSY video series. It has been a real blessing.
Also, I have a dear friend that has a food bank, and I'm going to talk to her about displaying cards there also. I just started a plant base kitchen out of my home, and I plan on including a SHARING Card in each order. By God's grace this project will reach many souls for God.
GENE: Received my SHARING CARDS today and have already shared almost a thousand. They are really beautiful eye catching professionally produced cards. May the Lord bless their distribution to bring folk to get to know and understand the Great Controversy and then share the site themselves with others.
JOSEPH: There are a lot of interesting and useful things on this webpage. However, the crown jewel is the visual presentaion of THE GREAT CONTROVERSY. In these last days THE GREAT CONTROVERSY has come alive. Share this webpage. Share THE GREAT CONTROVERSY. Those who will never read a 700 page book can hear and see the words of God's Spirit. Those who seek understanding can experince the wisdom of God. Those who seek the Truth will find Jesus the Christ.
GENE: SWM Radio is airing the full narration of THE GREAT CONTYROVERY at 5PM every day. You can listen to the live SWM Radio broadcast by dialing the phone number 631-856-9199
or go to www.ServingWithaMission.org and click the listen button.
DECEMBER 1, 2023: Thanking God for over 1 MILLION subscribers!!!
PASTOR WALTER: I have just reviewed the new STEPS TO CHRIST video series. I LOVE IT! This is such a great tool for a pastor for small groups discussions. It is professionally done. Which is needed in a high tech world we living in. The Lord has truly blessed you with a ministry.
ROBYN: The "God Is Calling" videos are a great idea to highlight small bits of huge truths in the Bible! Easy to share too. I'm sharing them with my freind who didn't know Jesus created everything and believes the law has been done away with.
KAREN: Please send me 100 Sharing Cards. Thank You!
JANUARY 1, 2024: Over 1.3 MILLION Subscribers!!!
Praise Jesus!!!!
QUESTION: How do the Sharing Cards work?
ANSWER: The Sharing Card (whether physical or digital) has a QR code.
That QR code is like having a copy of THE GREAT CONTROVERSY and a copy of STEPS TO CHRIST. When someone scans that QR code, they are instantly transported to the webpage BlessingsAnew.com. On that webpage anyone can watch the full, word-for-word videos of both books. Anyone can experience the dramatic, living words of Christ over the Internet. They can watch it instead of reading it.
When you hand out a Sharing card or get someone to scan the QR from your phone, you have given that person THE GREAT CONTROVERSY and STEPS TO CHRIST.
Instead of handing out a physical book, hand out a Sharing Card!
JANUARY 12, 2024: Over 35,000 Sharing Cards have been distributed.
KAREN: Thank you very much for the cards! I really appreciate the Great Controversy video series! It is so beautifully done. And your brother's voice is so pleasing to listen to. I will continue to pray for you and your ministry. I am confident many souls will be led to Christ as a result of these videos.
SAWITRIE: Blessings , greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. I would really like 50 of the great controversy cards. Please let me know if you deliver to Canada.
UDDATE: 100 cards were delivered to Canada. Praise God!!
SAWITRIE: Good evening, just wanted to say thank you so much for the cards, but just wanted to let you know that I received the cards. May your Ministry be blessed.🙏
ROSE: The cards are so handy to distribute. Need more. Thank you!
MIKE: I want to thank you so much for your time to take and record the Desire of Ages and to make these videos and sharing them on YouTube.
MARTIN: Please send a sample of cards. Pray that all our efforts are for God's glory and the decision making of humanity as we live these last days.
JOSEPH: As of today (04/21/24), we have published on this website the first 24 chapters of THE DESIRE OF AGES! Praise Jesus!!
JAN: Glory to God!
LILIAN: Praise Jesus!
DIANA: We attended a memorial service in Mendenhall Mississippi at Sinai SDA Church. A Prayerline speaker for 13 years passed away. We met Brothers and Sisters in the Faith. We left the Pastor a large stack of Sharing Cards. He was very happy to receice them and said he would make sure they were distributed.
JAN: Amazed at what is doing and how He gives us the priviledge of being co-workers with Him!
DIANA: When we attended AdAgra we passed out Sharing Cards far and wide!!!! It's a blessing to see the excitement when people receive them. All are very eager to disburse them.
GENE: At our little church here in East Tennennese, every week someone has a testimony of sharing the cards and the resulting blessings. May the Lord be praised.
MAY 7, 2024: Over 2 MILLION Subscribers!!!
God is working!!!!
KAY: Hello. I just heard about your webiste and ministry while listening to SWM Radio! I am amazed at the work you have accomplished. I would like to request a couple of samples of the USB card and order some sharing cards. I have enjoyed listening to Mr. Nanton on SWM and look forward to hearing the music of Mr. Joseph.
SHERRY: I would like to know how I can receive some sharing cards. I heard about this program on Serving with a Mission. This is wonderful! I want to be part of the Lord's end time work.
SHERYL: I would love to receive your cards to help spread the word of the Great Controversy. I offered the book to an individual who refused to accept it because he says he has poor reading skills. Now I can offer him the videos. He has lots of questions about God and His seemingly lack of involvement with the evil happening to innocent people, especially the children. It is my prayer that thru these videos his questions may be answered, and he will be better acquainted with the love of our Heavenly Father amidst the conflicts upon planet earth. Thanks for your hard work. May God continue to bless you as you in turn bless us.
SOUNAK: Nice and more nice!
STEPHANIE: Good morning, I would like to see about getting some of the sharing cards.
JAN: We gave out Sharing Cards for the Blessings Anew website to a doctor's office and his staff yesterday. We are taking a sleeve to share at the 1888 meetings in Collegedale this week. Christ, our Righteousness!
MARLENE: Hi! I'm so happy to have found your website! Please send me some Sharing Cards. Maranatha!
November 1, 2024: 3 MILLION Subscribers!!
OKEY: Those Sharing Cards are an awesome resource.
WAYNE: This is great information for Christians for the time we live in.
SUSAN: Just watched chapter 84 of The Desire of Ages. Well Done! What a melodious voice.
LINDA: Chapter 84 of The Desire of Ages is innovative and visually captivating. It is a fresh and faithful presentation of a true Christian standard.
KERRY: Chapter 84 of The Desire of Ages has a good pace, a nice voice, and wonderful pictures.
BECKY: Thank You so much! I just watched Chapter 84 of The Desire of Ages. It is beautiful!
IVORY: Thumbs UP!!
EMILY: Wow, The Desire of Ages is wonderful!
CINDY: The Desire of Ages presentation is very good. The narrator is also very good!
ELDONNA: Chapter 84 of The Desire of Ages is great. Great voice. Where can I find more chapters?
ANSWER: You can watch all the Chapters of The Desire of Ages at BlessingsAnew.com
JAN: We are watching The Great Controversy video series. Chapter 5 is very powerful!
GENE: Love the new Theme Song!
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