“As the lessons of the Bible are wrought into the daily life, they have a deep and lasting influence upon the character.
Those who labor for souls…are engaged in a high and holy calling, and…they must lay firm hold upon God, daily receiving grace and power from the Source of all blessing.”
{The Acts of the Apostles, page 205}
Invest about 3 minutes a day in yourself. Watch our "HE TAUGHT DAILY" videos and become a BIBLE scholar! You'll be glad you did.
When your day begins, vow to be a positive influence and follow the rules so that every person will be honored
and God will be exalted.
What are the rules? From the very beginning of all things, the rules were published. The rules have always been and will always be the TEN COMMANDMENTS.
...and as the Lord’s army of workers here below sing their songs of praise, the choir above join with them in ascribing praise to God and to His Son. {AA 154.1}
How to make a Delicious Drink!
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